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In the 1930s and early 1940s, most songs in Bollywood movies were spontaneous singing episodes, similar in many ways to their Hollywood contemporaries. Though it must be said, that Bollywood songs had certain elements even at that point of time, when the inspiration may have largely come from the West. Even during this period, in fact, way back in 1936, Bollywood got its first song recorded, which was based on a classical composition of Hindustani music, in Raag Bhairavi. There was no looking back.
The classical tunes became the backbone of Bollywood songs in 1950s, with the unprecedented success of movies like BAIJU BAWRA (1952). It was also this impact of melodious classical that created the golden era of the fifties and sixties, and the great experiments of seventies. It was also the gradual decline of expertise in classical music that is responsible for the musical decay in Bollywood in this century. These songs, based on classical tunes, remain our great treasure, for as long as music lovers are there in India, their popularity will not suffer!

Best Classical Based Songs

The Bollywood Songs of the golden era still remain as popular among the masses as they were at the time when they were recorded, an amazing phenomenon keeping in view that in the meantime the life in India and the world as such have all changed so drastically. Some of these songs were recorded in the 1930s and early 1940s too, but the golden era actually began in the late forties and peaked in the fifties as great numbers were composed with the aid of classical raagas by master composers. This era of classical based music continued unabated for next couple of decades. One of the characteristic feature of classical based songs is that the more you listen to them, the more you become fond of them. It is the sign of musical melody, which lives and grows. The more you come to understand it, the more you tend to appreciate and love them!

Best Classical Songs in Raag Bhairavi

While almost every Raag of Hindustani Classical music has been adopted for composing music of Bollywood songs, if there is one Raag that stands out, it is Raag Bhairavi, which is by far the most common of these Raagas in Bollywood songs. It also derives a particularly special place of honor, since it is this raag which was the first to be used in 1935 in what was perhaps the first great song of Bollywood. One of the reasons of popularity of this Raag is its stable flowing nature, that makes it very adaptable for all kind of songs and emotions depicted therein. It also means that it can be used by the lesser masters. It also means that they can compose eternal masterpieces with this Raag.

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Best Classical Songs in Raag Darbari Kanada

Unlike Raag Bhairavi, which is relatively peaceful (though it can be made to represent any kind of emotions) and can be used widely by even lesser masters, Raag Darbari Kanada is a tune that is only fit for the best of composers. One can say that the ability to use it perfectly separates the great masters from the rest. Some, like Madan Mohan, have used it to create gems that music connoisseurs will eternally remain indebted for. The best Darbari Kanada songs have two opposing faces. It has been used for a fluent devotional purpose which makes one of its faces, but the most unique use of Darbari Kanada is for almost out of this world peak of restless emotion, which marks the best songs with this Raag.
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Best Classical Songs in Raag Bhupali

Raag Bhuapli is one of most mesmerizing raagas in the context of its use in Bollywood songs. Songs based on it always stand out as a creation of a master. It is one of the most effective raagas in devotional music, and seems to have an inherent link with Sanskrit sholakas. This of course, does not mean that it cannot be used for other, more ground to earth emotions that usually constitute Bollywood. The classical based songs on Raag Bhupali are few, but can make up your evening!
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Best Classical Songs in Raag Yaman Kalyan

Raag Yaman Kalyan and Raag Yaman are often mixed up, and anyone would be excused for this mix up. Some do not agree that they are different, but for the purpose of this article, we had attempted to differentiate them. Raag Yaman Kalyan is one of the sweetest Raagas of Bollywood. Perhaps, that explains its unusual popularity in expression of love. Many Bollywood songs based on it have been extremely popular in the history of Bollywood, and the best of the lot are those which are not even considered classical based. However, here we select songs with a bit of conservative rendering, some of the best classical based songs that you can find.

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